
Fertilizing Products

Declaration of fertilizers

In July 2019, the new European Fertilizing Products Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 entered into force and replaced the Regulation (EC) 2003/2003 after a transition period of three years.

The regulation sets out rules for EU fertilizing products carrying the CE marking, including requirements for maximum levels of contaminants and pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms), minimum content of nutrients and other relevant characteristics depending on the category of the product, and for labelling. Within the regulation, the product type of Biostimulants is regulated on EU level for the first time.

In addition to the EU law, it is also possible to place your fertilizing products on the market according to national legislations, and according to a mutual recognition process.

We support you in finding the most economic and successful way to the market depending on the characteristics of your products and your marketing strategy.

Through cooperation with several European consulting companies, we are able to support you with the national legislations of most EU member states and placing of fertilizing products on the market by mutual recognition.

Our consultation covers all fertilizer types, growing media, soil improvers, and plant aid agents under the scope of the different legislations.


We support you in:

  1. Finding the optimal pathway to the market
  2. Planning and organizing trials with your products
  3. Drawing up the labelling for your product in conformity with the relevant regulation
  4. Checking for compliance of analytical methods
  5. Applying for certificates of conformity at the responsible authorities
  6. Communicating with the authorities and CROs

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